HOLY SHIT!!!! THREE POST IN A MONTH!!!! It must be some kind of a miracle! Well it's not! I know I've not been around for a while, and now I will make an account of myself!
I've just been covered up with "Honey do" projects by my dear wife, Hazel, and a vast steaming pile of bullshit, and mind fucks from all manner of institutions ranging from, but not limited to, The United States Government, my ISP, and my bank, who I have suddenly discovered, no longer have the ability to count money, do simple arithmetic, or even read a calendar!
These things have lead to long sessions of wood-chopping, and home improvement projects which I've found to be a great mental enema. The results have been, enough firewood for this winter, and half of the next, and what started out to be a simple entertainment wall is now eight feet high, thirty feet long, and contains a computer work-station, two windows, and two fifty-five gallon aquariums, two huge stereo speakers, with attached stereo, television, video game consoles, video game, CD, and DVD library, along with several massive book cases, big enough to hold all the books I have, (as well as all the ones I wish I had!), and "nick nack" shelves for my wife that will handily hold all the "nick nacks" in Saluda, and probably all of Polk County!
Because of these endeavors, (and the use of a certain controlled substance), the local newspaper did not contain the phrases "crazed hippy" or "dead bankers" in the headlines!
Neither was expensive ammunition wasted on those who are hardly worth the expense! I learned a long time ago that God's ability to create assholes will never be overcome by Man's ability to manufacture ammunition! I know it sucks, but that's life, and I've learned to deal with it!
Now! To the meat of the matter!
Frequent reader and commenter Wilma Lamb mentioned the peculiar flight of six AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles armed with W-80-1 nuclear warheads went for an unscheduled trip from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana on August 30 2007.
The Washington Post article that came out on September 23 2007 about this strange flight, made a lame attempt to explain away the rather grim fact that the entire American nuclear command and control system suddenly fucked up in an alarming manner, by reporting that the whole sad scenario resulted from "security failures at multiple levels". That cover story is utter and complete BULLSHIT!!!
I know a little about the way the US Military moves and stores nuclear armaments, and on it's WORST day it could NEVER happen! Nope! Not now, not EVER!!!! There are just too many controls, and checks in place to allow it! The movement of ANY nuclear device is so safe-guarded that if someone actually did screw up so badly that one was removed from its storage place, the Armament Officer (who lists by weight any and all ordinance being loaded/unloaded onto, or off of ANY aircraft assigned to the base), would have caught it, unless he had EXPRESS orders not to! No way Jose!!! There's no way in Hell!!!
What the BENT SPEAR story in The Washington Times probably was was an attempt, (alibied a very bad one), at damage control for The Bush Administration, and like all attempts at damage control by The Bush Administration, it just doesn't pass the sniff test!
What really happened (according to military sources), was that a revolt and push back by various echelons of The United States Air Force, and intelligence agencies prevented an attack on Iran with nuclear, and conventional ordinance! And worse still, Military sources have further informed Wayne Madsen, (of the Wane Madsen Report), that one of those nukes was, and maybe still is MISSING!!!! That's right people! An honest-to-God lose nuke, and NOBODY knew shit about where it was, or where was going! And worse yet, it could still be missing! Nobody knows, and if they do, nobody's saying! If that's the case, then we've shot right past BENT SPEAR, and flown into EMPTY QUIVER, special classification PINNACLE!!! That would bring about all manner of activity on the part of the military. So far, nothing! No stand down orders. Now leave suspensions. No lock downs. Nothing!
This Advanced Cruise Missile with it's attached W-80-1 nuclear warhead is one seriously NASTY piece of ordinance! Think of all the false flag/black bag scenarios that could play out with THAT little piece of plunder in play! Ya scared yet? Oh it gets worse, people! MUCH WORSE!!!
In a new Newsweek article, Vice President Cheney's out going Middle East Advisor, David Wormser told a small group of advisers that Darth Cheney had been working with Israel to get them to launch an air strike on Iran's nuclear facilities at Nantz. Darth Cheney figured that the resulting retaliatory Iranian action would give The United States the perfect excuse to launch an air strike with nuclear, and conventional ordinance on Iran. However it seems that the plans got changed and Israel instead attacked a supposed Syrian/Iranian/North Korean nuclear facility in Northern Syria.
This attack was scheduled to happen on September 6 to coincide with the Israeli attack on Syria. Unfortunately for Darth Cheney, and the Neocons, wiser heads prevailed, and the B-52 and it's cargo of Advanced Cruise Missiles stayed in Barksdale, and the elaborate cover story was concocted when the press was informed of the plane's presence and it's cargo! Since Barksdale is in fact the main depot, and launching point for US assets to The Middle East, the planes presence there gives credence to this story!
Further information states that that same B-52 bomber was definitely connected with The Pentagon's highly classified OPERATION CHECKMATE which is a compartmented US Air Force program, working on a plan of attack on Iran since June of 2007 after OPERATION BITE failed to get off the ground in April. Oddly enough that was when Darth Cheney was working on the US/Israeli joint force attack.
I will have more on this story as soon as I finish fact checking everything.
I'ld like to thank Murph and Freeacre for turning me on to Wayne Madsen, and Wane Madsen, for turning me on to this material! This story isn't over by a damned sight! Bush and Cheney want Iran so bad they can taste it! Fortunately they know that they can't attack without a damned good reason and have any standing within the global community. This time they got shot down by people in the US Air Force who had the courage to stand up and say "NO"!
Thank God SOMEBODY has the balls to stand up to this administration!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Dollars and Sense
Yea, I know! The tittle is a cornball pun that's so worn out it's pathetic! When Moses was young, it was old! The only reason I drug this tired old saw out, dusted it off, filed it sharp, oiled it up, and sent it singing at President Pork Pie, is that I couldn't come up with any better tittle for this post! Nothing else fit so well!!!! So save your slings and arrows until you read it!
According to the best low-ball estimate, By Joseph Stiglitz, (Nobel Prize winner in economics), President Pork Pie has blown the shit out of a trillion dollars in Iraq. That's ONE TRILLION!!!!
His moderate estimate is TWO TRILLION!!!!
Lets just take a minute here and find out just how many a trillion is! Let's say you have a trillion dollar bills, and you want to count them. You take a seat and if I were you, I would get a real comfortable one, too, because it's going to take you over 31,709 years to get the job done, if you count one dollar per second! That's thirty one thousand, seven hundred, and nine years! THAT'S THREE TIMES THE AGE OF CIVILIZATION!!!!! If you did have one trillion dollar bills, you'd never know, and neither would any future member of you family! It's a number so vast, that primitive mathematics could only deal with it in the abstract! Nobody has ever counted to one trillion, and nobody ever will!
Had the ancient Babylonians started counting when the first settlements of Mesopotamia were founded, they would be less that a third of the way to a trillion, yet President Pork Pie has blown that much money there since 2003!!!!!!! THAT'S A SHITLOAD OF BREAD!!!!!
And Afghanistan is a whole 'nother deal!!! Were just talking about Iraq!!!
That means a whole trillion dollars for Haliburton, (who just moved off-shore so they're untouchable by US law!), and all Bush's buddies in the defence, and oil industry! Who have repeatedly (and with The Bush Administration's blessings), put the bottom line above the bottom ends of our troops, and mumble quietly about the "brave sacrifices" when those same bottom-ends get blown off, by IEDs and RPGs that have been in use in that area for the last fifty years, yet our troops were completely caught by surprise, and unequipped, when they began to be employed against them!! WHY???!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, but our troops drink unsafe water, and eat substandard food!!! WHY???!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, but our wounded troops are housed in filthy, vermin-ridden hospitals that look like something out of a third-world horror story! RIGHT HERE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! WHY???!!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, yet soldiers with the early symptoms of PTSD are frequently given a General Discharge for "Unacceptable personality issues"! Because if a soldier is diagnosed with PTSD, then that soldier must be treated for that condition, and if found to be disabled by it, be given full disability payments!! So they just boot them out for "personality issues", and have to give them nothing!! WHY??!!
A trillion dollars! More money than any one person could spend in a lifetime in Los Vegas! Bush has squandered it to bring suffering to American soldiers and their families, and to saddle an over-taxed and already heavily laden military with an utterly impossible job, in an utterly inhospitable place!
I can think of no better example of what happens when they, who have no sense get their hands on dollars!!! The problem is, those dollars are OURS!!!!!
Even worse, these senseless actions are done IN OUR NAME!!!! WHY???!!!!!
According to the best low-ball estimate, By Joseph Stiglitz, (Nobel Prize winner in economics), President Pork Pie has blown the shit out of a trillion dollars in Iraq. That's ONE TRILLION!!!!
His moderate estimate is TWO TRILLION!!!!
Lets just take a minute here and find out just how many a trillion is! Let's say you have a trillion dollar bills, and you want to count them. You take a seat and if I were you, I would get a real comfortable one, too, because it's going to take you over 31,709 years to get the job done, if you count one dollar per second! That's thirty one thousand, seven hundred, and nine years! THAT'S THREE TIMES THE AGE OF CIVILIZATION!!!!! If you did have one trillion dollar bills, you'd never know, and neither would any future member of you family! It's a number so vast, that primitive mathematics could only deal with it in the abstract! Nobody has ever counted to one trillion, and nobody ever will!
Had the ancient Babylonians started counting when the first settlements of Mesopotamia were founded, they would be less that a third of the way to a trillion, yet President Pork Pie has blown that much money there since 2003!!!!!!! THAT'S A SHITLOAD OF BREAD!!!!!
And Afghanistan is a whole 'nother deal!!! Were just talking about Iraq!!!
That means a whole trillion dollars for Haliburton, (who just moved off-shore so they're untouchable by US law!), and all Bush's buddies in the defence, and oil industry! Who have repeatedly (and with The Bush Administration's blessings), put the bottom line above the bottom ends of our troops, and mumble quietly about the "brave sacrifices" when those same bottom-ends get blown off, by IEDs and RPGs that have been in use in that area for the last fifty years, yet our troops were completely caught by surprise, and unequipped, when they began to be employed against them!! WHY???!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, but our troops drink unsafe water, and eat substandard food!!! WHY???!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, but our wounded troops are housed in filthy, vermin-ridden hospitals that look like something out of a third-world horror story! RIGHT HERE IN THE UNITED STATES!!! WHY???!!!!
A trillion dollars has been spent, yet soldiers with the early symptoms of PTSD are frequently given a General Discharge for "Unacceptable personality issues"! Because if a soldier is diagnosed with PTSD, then that soldier must be treated for that condition, and if found to be disabled by it, be given full disability payments!! So they just boot them out for "personality issues", and have to give them nothing!! WHY??!!
A trillion dollars! More money than any one person could spend in a lifetime in Los Vegas! Bush has squandered it to bring suffering to American soldiers and their families, and to saddle an over-taxed and already heavily laden military with an utterly impossible job, in an utterly inhospitable place!
I can think of no better example of what happens when they, who have no sense get their hands on dollars!!! The problem is, those dollars are OURS!!!!!
Even worse, these senseless actions are done IN OUR NAME!!!! WHY???!!!!!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Another Open Letter to President Pork Pie
Mr. President,
Today finds us a wiser, and more enlightened people than yesterday! Yesterday some of the American People had an odd idea that you might actually be bringing some of our troops home. They actually thought that you might have learned from your mistakes, and would finally return our soldiers to their friends and families. Now we know it is all just another load of steaming BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
In the upcoming book by Robert Draper entitled "Dead Certain" you told the author' "I'm playing for October-November to get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence."
Yet yesterday you stood in front of our troops sweating in the hot Iraqi sun at your gratutous photo op at Al-Asad Air Base, you stated, "They (General Petraeus, and Ambasador Crocker) tell me if the kind of success we are now seeing continues, it will be be possible to maintain the same level of security with fewer American forces.".
YOU FAT-FACED FUCK!!!!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!! How DARE you stand before our brave troops, and mouth such a reprehencible lie!!!! How dare you "play" with the lives of our best, and bravest! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!! How dare you tell our over-worked, over deployed, under-paid, and under medicated troops they are going home when you know full well that it's nothing but a fraud to get headlines!!!!
YOU, sir, are a FUCKING LIAR!!!! You have no credibilaty left with The American People concerning Iraq! You have no credability left with The American People concerning ANYTHING!!!!!!
Now we find that you are just "PLAYING"!!!! It's all a big game with you!!!
You ignore the will of The People, and continue your failed strategy as if you are given a mandate from Heaven! BELIEVE ME, SIR! YOU WERE NOT!!!!!
You continue to ignore Congressional investigations into your criminal behavior, and the criminal actions of your staff, as if you and them, are above the law! BELIEVE ME, SIR! YOU ARE NOT!!!!!
You ignore the suffering of soldiers, and their famillies, and spoon-feed them your lies, as if you think we will all somehow forget! GET THIS, FUCK-WAD!!! WE WON'T FORGET!!!! WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!
And to top it all off, you said to the reporters on Air Force One in route to Washington, "If you look at my comments over the last eight months, it's gone from a security situation in the sense that we're either going to get out, and there will be chaos, or, more troops. Now the situation has changed, where I'm able to speculate on the hypothetical."!
HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PULL IT OFF WITH A STRAIGHT FACE!!!!!! Every action you've taken since this invasion began has been "speculation on the hypothetical"!!!
You speculated that Iraq had weapons of mass destrution!! Guess what? WRONG!!!!!
You speculated that Iraq was supporting Al-Quada, even though Al-Quada hated Saddam Hussein, and his regime! Guess what? WRONG!!!!
You speculated that America would be welcomed as heros! And the Iraqi People would be glad to be occupied, and give their oil over with a smile! Guess what? WRONG!!!
You speculated that the war was over, and endangered American lives to land an American fighter jet, on an aircraft carrier, so you could have you photo broadcast with your zippy flight suit across the nation, thinking you won! Guess what!!! WRONG!!!!!
You speculated that there would be no civil war in Iraq! That people who had been at each other's throats for thousands of years would just make up, and skip merrily into the sunset because of your endeavors!! Guess what? WRONG!!!!!
And yet after all these speculations, you have the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to state for the gathered Press Corps: "I want to tell you this about the decision, about my decision about troop levels. Those decisions will be based on calm assessments by our military comanders on the ground. Not a nervous reaction by Washington politicians to poll results in the media."
Tell me, sir! Where are our military comanders? You fire every comander who has the clear vision to see the emporer's nakedness, and couragously to proclaim it as such! How in the corn-fed Hell can you stand there and talk about "our military comanders" when all we have is your hand picked chorus of yes-men as an echo-chamber for all you proclaim! How the Hell can you stand there and pronounce yourself to be anything but a Washington politician?
How dare you marginalize, and dismiss the will of The People, and to question the motivations of those who want to save American soldiers, and America as a country from your blind squandering of American lives, and American capital on this quagmire you've flung this country into, and cut the ropes of all that want to save it! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!!
If you, sir, have any love left for this country, then I call on you, sir, to do what so many of your staff have done! RESIGN! Resign, and crawl back to whatever cold, slimey rock in Texas your crawled out from under!
That, or dust off that Army Reserve unform, present yourself at the nearest Army post, and fight YOUR FUCKING WAR, YOUR FUCKING SELF!!!!!
(This post is dedicated to the memory of Joshua L. Morley of Henderson County North Carolina. Joshua was killed in Samara, Iraq, while serving with the second Battalion, 505th PIR, 3rd Brigade 82nd Airborne Division. He was 22 years old.)
( How many more are we willing to sacrifice?)
Today finds us a wiser, and more enlightened people than yesterday! Yesterday some of the American People had an odd idea that you might actually be bringing some of our troops home. They actually thought that you might have learned from your mistakes, and would finally return our soldiers to their friends and families. Now we know it is all just another load of steaming BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!
In the upcoming book by Robert Draper entitled "Dead Certain" you told the author' "I'm playing for October-November to get us in a position where the presidential candidates will be comfortable about sustaining a presence."
Yet yesterday you stood in front of our troops sweating in the hot Iraqi sun at your gratutous photo op at Al-Asad Air Base, you stated, "They (General Petraeus, and Ambasador Crocker) tell me if the kind of success we are now seeing continues, it will be be possible to maintain the same level of security with fewer American forces.".
YOU FAT-FACED FUCK!!!!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!! How DARE you stand before our brave troops, and mouth such a reprehencible lie!!!! How dare you "play" with the lives of our best, and bravest! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!! How dare you tell our over-worked, over deployed, under-paid, and under medicated troops they are going home when you know full well that it's nothing but a fraud to get headlines!!!!
YOU, sir, are a FUCKING LIAR!!!! You have no credibilaty left with The American People concerning Iraq! You have no credability left with The American People concerning ANYTHING!!!!!!
Now we find that you are just "PLAYING"!!!! It's all a big game with you!!!
You ignore the will of The People, and continue your failed strategy as if you are given a mandate from Heaven! BELIEVE ME, SIR! YOU WERE NOT!!!!!
You continue to ignore Congressional investigations into your criminal behavior, and the criminal actions of your staff, as if you and them, are above the law! BELIEVE ME, SIR! YOU ARE NOT!!!!!
You ignore the suffering of soldiers, and their famillies, and spoon-feed them your lies, as if you think we will all somehow forget! GET THIS, FUCK-WAD!!! WE WON'T FORGET!!!! WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!
And to top it all off, you said to the reporters on Air Force One in route to Washington, "If you look at my comments over the last eight months, it's gone from a security situation in the sense that we're either going to get out, and there will be chaos, or, more troops. Now the situation has changed, where I'm able to speculate on the hypothetical."!
HOW THE FUCK DO YOU PULL IT OFF WITH A STRAIGHT FACE!!!!!! Every action you've taken since this invasion began has been "speculation on the hypothetical"!!!
You speculated that Iraq had weapons of mass destrution!! Guess what? WRONG!!!!!
You speculated that Iraq was supporting Al-Quada, even though Al-Quada hated Saddam Hussein, and his regime! Guess what? WRONG!!!!
You speculated that America would be welcomed as heros! And the Iraqi People would be glad to be occupied, and give their oil over with a smile! Guess what? WRONG!!!
You speculated that the war was over, and endangered American lives to land an American fighter jet, on an aircraft carrier, so you could have you photo broadcast with your zippy flight suit across the nation, thinking you won! Guess what!!! WRONG!!!!!
You speculated that there would be no civil war in Iraq! That people who had been at each other's throats for thousands of years would just make up, and skip merrily into the sunset because of your endeavors!! Guess what? WRONG!!!!!
And yet after all these speculations, you have the nerve, the unmitigated gall, to state for the gathered Press Corps: "I want to tell you this about the decision, about my decision about troop levels. Those decisions will be based on calm assessments by our military comanders on the ground. Not a nervous reaction by Washington politicians to poll results in the media."
Tell me, sir! Where are our military comanders? You fire every comander who has the clear vision to see the emporer's nakedness, and couragously to proclaim it as such! How in the corn-fed Hell can you stand there and talk about "our military comanders" when all we have is your hand picked chorus of yes-men as an echo-chamber for all you proclaim! How the Hell can you stand there and pronounce yourself to be anything but a Washington politician?
How dare you marginalize, and dismiss the will of The People, and to question the motivations of those who want to save American soldiers, and America as a country from your blind squandering of American lives, and American capital on this quagmire you've flung this country into, and cut the ropes of all that want to save it! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!!
If you, sir, have any love left for this country, then I call on you, sir, to do what so many of your staff have done! RESIGN! Resign, and crawl back to whatever cold, slimey rock in Texas your crawled out from under!
That, or dust off that Army Reserve unform, present yourself at the nearest Army post, and fight YOUR FUCKING WAR, YOUR FUCKING SELF!!!!!
(This post is dedicated to the memory of Joshua L. Morley of Henderson County North Carolina. Joshua was killed in Samara, Iraq, while serving with the second Battalion, 505th PIR, 3rd Brigade 82nd Airborne Division. He was 22 years old.)
( How many more are we willing to sacrifice?)
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- stoney13
- Well!! I'm not here to be on anybody's side! I DON'T like George W. Bush and I will NOT call the bastard president! I'll call him President Pork Pie, but that is about as close as it gets! I'm not here to comfort the afflicted, but to afflict the comfortable! I learned a long time ago, that if you can make somebody laugh and think at the same time, they'll learn something! I'm trying to teach the American Public that there is another point of view out there, beside the Right Wing's This country's on a greased chute to Hell with Bush as it's Captain! I for one will not sit idley by while he drives the land that I love into the ground! This is my gift to this country. Maybe it's a little crude at times, maybe, it's a little rude at times! But in my world, rude and crude works! I'll post what I damn well please here and invite people to post comments the same way! Rant all you want!! I do! Freedom of Speech is the order of the day here! Like it? Let me know! Don't like it? Let me know! Silence me? AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! So welcome one and all to STONEY'S RAGE!! It's all for America! I don't make a dime off it! And I won't have it any other way!